Asb Term Deposit

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ASB 5 Year Term Deposit: 4.10%: ASB 1 Year Term Deposit: 3.50%: ASB 6 Month Term Deposit: 3.25%: Compare 3 month rates in New Zealand. Account Name Rate; Westpac NZ. Term deposits - Fixed rates with a fixed return ASB A term deposit could be a good option if you have more than $5,000 to deposit and you want it to earn a fixed interest rate over a fixed period of time.

Asb Term Deposit Interest Rates

ASB Supports Savers With New 1.75% Market Leading Term Deposit Rate

Press Release – ASB

ASB is increasing its term deposit rates, including lifting the 60-month term deposit rate by 0.75% to a market leading 1.75%. ASBs Executive General Manager of Retail Banking, Craig Sims, says ASB is taking the opportunity to offer Kiwis with cash …

ASB is increasing its term deposit rates, including lifting the 60-month term deposit rate by 0.75% to a market leading 1.75%.

ASB’s Executive General Manager of Retail Banking, Craig Sims, says ASB is taking the opportunity to offer Kiwis with cash savings some highly competitive term deposit options while also balancing the needs of borrowers who have been benefiting for some time from an extremely low interest rate environment.

“While there’s been much focus on home loan rates, customers with funds to invest are often seeking to balance their portfolios, and term deposits can be an important part of the mix.

Nz Term Deposits

“Given the performance of the New Zealand economy through COVID-19 has been stronger than anyone anticipated and our commitment to helping the financial progress of all New Zealanders we’re pleased to be able to support our savers with these market leading term deposit rates.”

Asb Term Deposit

In addition to the new 60-month rate, ASB has also increased the rates for deposit terms from 9 to 48 months. The below rate changes are effective from Tuesday 2 March 2021.

More information on term deposit rates can be found at ASB’s Term investment rates

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Nz term deposit rates
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